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Ilya Somin
In Episode 4, we are joined by Professor Ilya Somin of the George Mason School of Law. Professor Somin is one of the leading thinkers and writers in the eminent domain community. Professor Somin joins us to talk about Murr v. Wisconsin, but also we veer off into other topics, including property rights in China. He was an outstanding guest!
My colleague, Alex LoCasto, also joins to talk about an interesting summary judgment decision in Sabal Trail v. Real Estate out of Florida. The issue was whether federal or state compensation law applies to an interstate pipeline. The best part though is the court’s concluding paragraph. We love judges who have a sense of humor.
Professor Somin routinely posts in the Volokh Conspiracy blog at the Washington Post which can be found here
Professor Somin’s books, including The Grasping Hand and Eminent Domain: A Comparative Perspective can be purchased from several outlets, however, here is a link to Amazon.
Please share your thoughts on the show or this episode with me. I’m on Twitter @J_Clint.
Clint Schumcher’s bio
Alex LoCasto’s bio
More information on the ALI audio seminar on regulatory takings hosted by Robert Thomas can be found here.
More information on the 11th Annual Eminent Domain seminar in Dallas hosted by Eddie Vassallo and Charles Salazar can be found here.