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Professor Jamila Jefferson-Jones
In Episode 13, Professor Jamila Jefferson-Jones joins us to discuss the sharing economy, regulations on short-term rentals, and how such regulations might rise to the level of a unconstitutional taking.
In the opening statement, my colleagues and I discuss some of our favorite holiday traditions.
Professor Jefferson-Jones bio page is here: https://law.umkc.edu/directory/faculty-directory/name/jamila-jefferson-jones/
Professor Jefferson-Jones twitter handle: @Jamilajeff
A link to Professor Jefferson-Jones’ article – Airbnb and the Housing Segment of the Modern ‘Sharing Economy’: Are Short-Term Rental Restrictions an Unconstitutional Taking? is here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2624700
The Wikipedia page for Professor Jefferson-Jones’ favorite movie, Hidden Figures, is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Figures
Professor Jefferson-Jones recommends visiting Dooky Chase Restaurant when in New Orleans. Here’s a link: http://www.dookychaserestaurant.com/
A news story about Joe Unis’ holiday stopover, Keller’s Hamburgers, is here: http://res.dallasnews.com/interactives/kellers/
The ProPublica article, The Taking, can be found here: https://features.propublica.org/eminent-domain-and-the-wall/the-taking-texas-government-property-seizure/
More information on the ALI-CLE Eminent Domain Conference in Charleston can be found here:
Also, please share your thoughts on the show or this episode with me. I’m on Twitter @J_Clint. My webpage bio is here: